Shop Drawings and Materials approval status update and impact on production

Shop Drawings and Materials approval status update and impact on production

Our Ref: xxx



xxx Contracting LLC

P. O. Box xxx

Dubai, U.A.E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager

Project                 : : xxx Tower, Dubai – U.A.E.

Subject                 : Shop Drawings and Materials approval status update and impact on production.

References:  a) xxx dated 07 March xxxx

                       b) xxx dated 01 April xxxx

                       c) xxx dated 28 April xxxx

                       d) xxx dated 23 May xxxx

                       e) xxx dated 08 June xxxx

Dear Sir,

We are writing to you following our previous letters ref (a), (b) & (c), which identified the various phases necessary to achieve the first delivery date on 02 August xxxx based on the baseline schedule which you have issued to us on the 15February xxxx.

As of today, we remain unable to start the production of pods, and this will directly impact the delivery schedule to the site.

  1.  Shop Drawings approval:

We again remind you about the criticality of finalizing the shop drawings since it has direct impact on procurement and production.

Until today you still have not released to us the final RCP drawings. While we have submitted the shop drawings on 10 & 14 June xxxx without including the RCP in order to expedite the process, we have been again instructed by you (appendix 1) on 4th July xxxx, to resubmit all the Pods drawings excluding RCP.

The delay in obtaining the RCP drawings will impact the approval of pods drawings, the procurement and certainly the production.

  • Material Submittals and approval:

We would like to remind again as we did in our letters reference (a), (b) & (c) that the approval on the materials especially long lead items such as tiles has to be received no later than 4 April xxxx to meet the production deadline noted in our tentative programme.

Furthermore we have also informed that if this period is for any reason extended, the procurement of long lead items (mainly tiles) may be delayed and will cause production to be pushed accordingly.

Till date the selection of tiles has still not been finalized and this is preventing us from proceeding with the order. Further to our letters (d) & (e) which were related to the Tiles, we have been notified during our site meeting on 17 June xxxx that the tiles selection issue is still being discussed between Al Sahel and the Client and that the previous selection and approved tiles from Sensi will be disregarded. Therefore, an alternative selection is being discussed between Al Sahel and the Client.

We kindly request that you update us urgently on this tile selection since without the tiles, the production cannot start. Noting that any order of tiles from Italy has to be placed within coming weeks due to the summer break closing in August.

Also, the final selection and approval of the tiles is necessary to prepare the drawings properly since any minor change even of 1 mm (+/-) will impact grout thicknesses and overall elevations.

In addition to that, the handle and hinges of the shower glass door are not yet confirmed which is holding us from procuring and securing the materials. We have received an approval on the shower handle model today (appendix 2) without the confirmation and acceptance to the additional related cost which is preventing us from proceeding with the procurement of this item.

We urge you to approve the additional cost of AED xxx immediately as this item has a lead time of 10 weeks and the supplier has only 80 pcs in stock which can be sold out anytime.

We have also surprisingly received on 29 June xxxx a new comment on the hinges which were submitted since 19 May xxxx (appendix 3). We are checking in the market for materials matching the Client/Consultant requirement and we will submit it accordingly for approval.

  • Free issue materials

It must be also noted that M/s xxx (Contractor Name) has not received as of today all the approval status or all delivery dates of the Contractor’s Free issue materials.

  •  Procurement:

A detailed procurement schedule will be shared upon receiving approval on all the materials & drawings which will allow us to place the necessary orders.

Currently, we still have pending approvals that are not allowing us to move forward with procurement. Procurement of some materials will require more than 90 days after the order is placed. It is therefore vital to obtain the approval at the earliest possible time on the materials and drawings to allow us to place our orders and start production.

All Free Issue Materials should also be received in our factory before mass production can start. We kindly request you to share the expected time of arrival for every FIM to allocate space necessary for it and be prepared to receive it.

  • Production:

Our production was planned to follow the site requirement which is based on your baseline programme starting from level 1 to level 36 and extending from August xxxx till June xxxx. However with the current case of ongoing delays in approvals, M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will not be able to start delivery on 2 August xxxx.

The revised schedule for the mass production and the mockup can only be prepared and confirmed once the materials and shop drawings are approved and upon arrival of all Free Issue Materials.

Finally, we urge you to expedite the approval process to avoid delays and we will keep you appraised during the various approval stages on the status of the schedule and we will mutually agree on a production plan and delivery schedule accordingly, to meet your site requirements but M/s xxx (Contractor Name) is not responsible for the continuous delays in the shop drawings and materials approvals.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC                                                                      


project Manager

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