Risk Assessment For Domestic Water Piping Installation UG _ AG

Risk Assessment For Domestic Water Piping Installation UG _ AG

Serial No.  Sub-ActivitiesHazards Identified (Generic & Task)Risks Involved (People & Property)Risk RatingControl MeasuresResidual Risk
SeverityProbabilityInitial Risk
      1.      Prepare work area        ·  Unauthorized, untrained workers         ·  Cuts · Abrasions      2      A      L· TBT/DSTI to be conducted by the foreman/    safety officer prior to work commencement · Task specific safety training to be provided · Authorized personnel to undertake the job · Daily safety  inspection should be carried and    eliminate the hazard      Low (ALARP)  
                  2.                    Manual Handling                · Incorrect lifting of loads · Sharp edges. · Placing the object while    fingers underneath. • Unsafe posture            · Back Injuries ·  Cut to finger ·  Strain                  3                C                M· TBT/DSTI to be conducted by the foreman/    safety officer prior to work commencement · Task specific safety training to be provided · Any lifting tasks shall be carried out by   persons physically capable to do so  • No employee should be asked to carry loads      above his capacity and in any case no load       shall exceed 30kg per man. • Mass of the load is more then to be equally   shared · Deploy enough number of personnel for lifting      shall be appointed to the task depending upon      the type of load to be lifted. ·Use easy mode of transport like trolley and        crane truck etc. · Proper personal protective equipments to be    used while manual handling of materials and       loads. • Load not to be lifted above your shoulder     Height • Area to be illuminated with adequate       lighting              Low (ALARP)
Serial No.  Sub-ActivitiesHazards Identified (Generic & Task)Risks Involved (People & Property)Risk RatingControl MeasuresResidual Risk
SeverityProbabilityInitial Risk
            3.            Working with Hand tools      Slip, trip and fallDamaged warn out hand toolsUsing incorrect type ∙   Mushroom Heads •       Flying objects      FatigueTrigger fingerCuts and abrasions            3          C          M• TBT/DSTI to be conducted by the foreman/  safety officer prior to work commencement • Task specific safety training to be provided • Use right tools for the job • Use eye / face protection when there is flying material hazard; wear gloves while required to protect the hand • Defective tools should not be issued or used to perform the task,to be checked by store keeper • Don’t extend the spanner by using a pipe as      an extension bar • Never use a file as a lever • Never use a screw driver as a chisel • Don’t work with oily or greased hands        Low (ALARP)
                        4.                      Working with power tools              Defective equipmentElectricityImproper use of equipmentPoor maintenanceUntrained workersFlying objectNoise and vibration •       Fire                  Hearing lossesEye injuryCrushingBack injuryBurns Electrical Shock                    3                    C                    MTBT/DSTI to be conducted by the foreman/      safety officer prior to work commencement •  Job related training to be provided • PTW to be applied and obtained prior to start,     If spark producing activity is performed · Defective tools should not be issued or used to      perform a task. • Monthly inspection should be carried out by the electrician and record to be kept at the store · All portable power tools should be fitted with adequate fuse protection either in the tool body or in its electrical plug. · The weight, size and type of tool should be selected to suit the job being carried out. • Don’t lay the cables around the access way, it should be proper routing • Industrial distribution board and socket only to be used at site                    M (ALARP)
Serial No.  Sub-ActivitiesHazards Identified (Generic & Task)Risks Involved (People & Property)Risk RatingControl MeasuresResidual Risk
SeverityProbabilityInitial Risk
       • Correct rate of ELCB should be used ( Ex:-30ma only acceptable) • No joints shall be made in electrical cable · Only those persons who have been adequately trained and experienced in the use of the tool should be allowed to use the same. · Tools should be stored and maintained in good working condition. · Appropriate PPE Should use ( Goggles, Gloves, Shoe, Helmet, Overall, Vest ) 
          5.          Pipe Joining Work With use electro fusion      • Fire • Untrained, Unauthorized    Worker • Electricity • Hot surface • Lighting and ventilation • Improper identification            •Burns •Property damage • Electrical shock                 3                  C                M· TBT/DSTI to be conducted by the foreman/   safety officer prior to work commencement · Task specific safety training to be provided • Warning boards should be provided and     Barricaded • Proper lighting and ventilation to be provided • Appropriate fire extinguisher should be placed      in to the work area ( Dry powder, CO2, Fire     blanket ) • All Flammable /combustible materials should  be removed from the area • Trained persons to do the job  •  Appropriate PPE Should use ( Goggles,     Gloves, Shoe, Helmet, Overall, Vest )        Low (ALARP)
        6.        Stacking and Storing    ·Material fall from height • Improper stacking • Collapse  •  Crush · Injury to Personnel · Damage to     property        3        B        M· Task specific safety training to be provided · All materials shall be stored below 2 meter       height. · Only known person should be there to    identify the materials easily. · If the material is too heavy, use hydraulic    trolley to shift the material.      Low (ALARP)
Serial No.  Sub-ActivitiesHazards Identified (Generic & Task)Risks Involved (People & Property)Risk RatingControl MeasuresResidual Risk
SeverityProbabilityInitial Risk
          7.          Working in near floor openings          ·  Material/equipment fall    from height · Slip/trip/fall          ·Fatality ·Property Damage • Fracture              3            D            M· TBT/DSTI to be conducted by the foreman/     safety officer prior to work commencement · Task specific safety training to be provided • PTW to be applied and obtained prior to   start work · Rigid barrication to be provided to all external    Edges and where a fall can occur •Warning signboards to be provided in those areas. · PPE to be used at all times ( Helmet, Shoes,    Vest, Overall, Harness )          Low (ALARP)
                  8.                  Working with ladder              • Fall from height • Over reaching • Over loading • Obstructing the access way • Slippery or uneven surface                • Sprain and strain • Fracture • Spinal cord damage                3                C                M• TBT/ DSTI and Visual inspection to be done     before using the ladder • Jobs specify training to be provide • The ladder should extend minimum one meter        from the top for safe movement • Heavy materials should not be carried • Do not erect in slippery, uneven surface • Should be set up with a 4 vertical to 1    horizontal slope ( 4:1 ) • Inspection carried out by competent person on    a regular basis • Step ladder must fully open and lock and the   devices to be as per manufacturer • Defective ladder should not be used and report    it immediately • Do not work from the top of two rungs • Remember the 3 point contact • Do not work in front of the door. If work is      carried then locked the door or blocked off • Ladder to be used for short duration works only     limited to 15 min. • Colour coded system to be implemented              Low (ALARP)
Serial No.  Sub-ActivitiesHazards Identified (Generic & Task)Risks Involved (People & Property)Risk RatingControl MeasuresResidual Risk
SeverityProbabilityInitial Risk
                  9.                Working on mobile scaffold          • Uneven surface • Overhead structure and cable • Materials and worker fall    from height • Untrained, unauthorized    Workers • Collapse of scaffold          • Sprain and strain • Fracture • Spinal cord damage • Musculoskeletal    Injury • Fatality                    3                C                M• TBT/ DSTI to be provide prior to start work •  Jobs specify training to be provide • Do not stack materials at the edges • Visual inspection should carry before use • Out rigger fitted and breaks are locked on • Only certified erection person do the alteration     and Modify • No person to be on the scaffold while it is   being moved • Scaffold only use in on level and surface area • Use safety harness to protect from falling above   2 meter height •  Mobile scaffold height should be restricted to 3.5 to 4 times the shortest base width,  If height of scaffold exceeds raker supports or it should be tied to the structure properly • Tagging system to be implemented ( ie.,all safe scaffolds shall be provided with green tags and unsafe scaffolds with red tag ) • Keep walkways free of obstacles, tools and    Equipment • Never stand and sit on the hand rails              Low (ALARP)
          10.          Working in excavated area          ·  Material/equipment fall    from height · Slip/trip/fall ·  Workers in the vicinity          · Fatality ·  Property Damage            3          D          M· TBT/DSTI to be conducted by the foreman/     safety officer prior to work commencement · Task specific safety training to be provided • PTW to be applied and obtained prior to   start work if the excavated depth is more than      1.2 mtr · Barricade and signage to be provided · Ensure falling protection. · Use warning signboards in those areas. · PPE to be used at all times        Low (ALARP)
Serial No.  Sub-ActivitiesHazards Identified (Generic & Task)Risks Involved (People & Property)Risk RatingControl MeasuresResidual Risk
SeverityProbabilityInitial Risk
          11          Hydrostatic testing      ∙ Untrained, unauthorized     Workers •  Pressure pump hazards •  Blind flanges •  Bursting •  Poor lighting •  Improper identification        ∙Fatality • Property damage • Fractures • Full body injury            4            B            M· TBT/DSTI to be conducted by the foreman/     safety officer prior to work commencement • Task specify safety training to be provided • PTW to be applied and obtained prior to   start work Follow approved procedure & method   Statement. • Engage experienced employees for      installation of gauges & flanges. • Never exceed the testing limit • Increase the pressure gradually with holding    period. • Never position in front of blind flanges   during pressurized condition. • Calibrated pressure gauge only to be used for   pressure testing • Close supervision to be done at all times • Proper lighting to be provided in around the     working area • Warning boards should be provided and     Barricaded          Low (ALARP)
    12.    While working at night shift  ∙ Poor illumination ·  Slip/trip/fall  ∙ Fatality • Cuts    3    B    M· Proper illumination to be provided · light post to be secured from fall · Proper cable management system to be     Followed · All materials to be staged in proper manner     without obstacles  Low (ALARP)
  13.  Working in hot weather  · Heat∙ Dehydration · Sunburn · Skin Cancer  2  B  M· Drink plenty of water · Proper awareness of heat stress symptoms · Avoid highly physical tasks during the hottest       part of the day · Isotonic drinks to be provided      Low (ALARP)
Serial No.  Sub-ActivitiesHazards Identified (Generic & Task)Risks Involved (People & Property)Risk RatingControl MeasuresResidual Risk
SeverityProbabilityInitial Risk
    14.    Work Completion  · Poor housekeeping · Slip/trip/fall    · Fire      2    A    L· General housekeeping, Remove all surface, unwanted waste materials from the building · All necessary precautions will be adopted to prevent fire  Low (ALARP)


SeverityPeopleAssetsEnvironmentReputationImprobable 1 in 100,000 YearsRemote 1 in 10,000 YearsOccasional 1 in 1000 yearsProbable 1 in 100 yearsFrequent 1 in 10 years
5-CatatrophicMultiple fatalities or permanent total disabilitiesExtensive damageMassive effectInternational impact      
4-SevereSingle fatalities or permanent total disabilitiesMajor damageMajor effectNational impact     High Risk
3-criticalMajor injury or health effectsLocal damageLocalised effectConsiderable impact Medium Risk (ALARP)    
2-MarginalMinor injury or health effectsMinor damageMinor effectMinor impact      
1-NegligbleSlight injury or health effectsSlight DamageSlight effectSlight impactLow Risk   
  HIGH3-E 4-C,D,E 5-B,C,D,E
    MEDIUM1-D,E 2-B,C,D,E 3-A,B,C,D 4-A,B 5-A

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