Response to Notice of Delay – POD Delivery

Response to Notice of Delay – POD Delivery

Our Ref:  xxx

Date: xxx

To                           : xxx Contracting LLC

                                  P.O. Box xxx

  Dubai, U. A. E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx

Project                 : xxx at Jumeirah First, Dubai

Subject                 : Response to Notice of Delay – POD Delivery

Dear Sir,

In response to your letter reference: xxx dated 31st March xxx, we would like to clarify as follows.

We categorically reject your notice of delay which references dates and numbers communicated by (Contractor Name) out of good will. Your notice fails to address the fact that numbers given by (Contractor Name) out of goodwill are based on a mutual understanding that the work progress on site is matching the mutually agreed schedule.

We currently still have more than 30 pods on site that are still not installed due to incomplete works related to other parties and lack of installation of pods on site has impact on the delivery schedule and sequence.

Furthermore, you letter fails to take into consideration the marble approval issues which have been raised on repetitive occasions to you for resolution and which have had serious implications on our production line.

You are fully aware that we currently have in the factory more than 80 pods which have been inspected approved and which are ready for delivery, and we expect to have these pods shipped within the coming week, with the balance production and delivery to be also in line with our contractual obligations (the complete production for the entire project is almost ready).

As explained to you earlier, we are facing limitations in term of transportation due to the traffic restrictions put in place by the authorities to combat the spread of Covid-19. We took measures to mitigate the impact of these restrictions by engaging several transportation companies to operate simultaneously and the rate of dispatch should improve starting today

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Projects Manager

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