Required Work Program

Required Work Program

Our Ref:  xxx

Date: xxx

To                           : xxx Contracting LLC

                                  P.O. Box xxx

  Dubai, U. A. E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx

Project                 : xxx at Jumeirah First, Dubai

Subject                 : Required Work Program

Dear Mr. Neel,

Thank you for your letter Ref: xxx dated 28th of October xxx.  Please see below our reply point by point.

  1. “The work program is showing only dispatching schedule…”
  2. Please find attached a more comprehensive program showing all activities.
  3. As for installation, it follows the delivery schedule.  Pods dispatched on a particular day will reach the site on the same day or the next morning.  Upon reaching the site, the installation process and timeline will be as per the Method Statement and Installation Sequence already in your files (attached once again for your quick reference).
  • “Finish date in submitted programme…”
  • Your programme, received on 10th October xxx, is showing a start date for installation on 17th Oct xxx.  Obviously, this date is not realistic.
  • The start date of production and installation is dictated by the procurement and delivery of material (please refer to our letter Ref: xxx dated 17th Oct xxx in this regard).
  • Accordingly, we have kept your initial programme in terms of sequence and duration as is, but compressed it by couple of weeks.
  • Attached you will find a revised schedule reflecting the above change.
  • “Total duration for the delivery in submitted schedule…”
  • Please refer to our comments above in point # 2.  We have kept your initial programme in terms of sequence and duration as is, but compressed it by couple of weeks.
  • “Total duration to complete the delivery in Building-1…”
  • Ditto above.
  • “Total duration to complete the delivery in Building-3…”
  • Ditto above.
  • “Total duration to complete the delivery in Building-5…”
  • Ditto above.
  • “Sequence of work and the lag between…”
  • Ditto above.
  •  “We should receive a narrative report…”
  • For the production cycle, please refer to the attached table.
  • For the project sequence, please refer to our Installation Sequence.
  • For the construction methodology, please refer to our General Method Statement.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Projects Manager

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