Request for Extension of Time for Supply of Wicker Furniture

Request for Extension of Time for Supply of Wicker Furniture

M/s xxx Pojects Co.

P.O. Box xxx, Riyadh, K.S.A

Tel : xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention:       Mr. xxx

                        Chief Executive Officer

Cc:                  Eng. xxx

                        Sr. Project Engineer

                        Eng. xxx

                        Project Manager

Project:          xxx Project -KSA      

Subject:          Request for Extension of Time for Supply of Wicker Furniture

Dear Sirs:

Further to the above project, we would request for extension of time for supply of wicker furniture items until 15 March xxx. Our suppliers from Europe are closing this month of December due to Holiday Season and China will be closed in the mid of January xxx.

Hoping for your kind consideration on this matter.

We assure you of our best attention and cooperation at all times.

Best Regards,

For: Xxx(Name of the Sub-Contractor) Interiors L.L.C.


Commercial Manager             

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