Our Ref: xxx
Date: xxx
To : xxx Mideast
Oman Branch
Attention : Mr. xxx Sing
Project : xxx Building, Oman
Subject: Hotel Operator’s Comments
Reference: a) Xxx letter xxx dated 21 January xxx
b) Xxx letter xxx dated 21 April xxx
Dear Sir,
We are in receipt of your Email dated 20 April xxx and the Engineer’s letter ref: xxx dated 19 April xxx with regards to the Hotel Operator’s comments and we note that the letter is addressed to all the Subcontractors and not to Xxx specifically, nevertheless, we must make the following clarification:
There are no comments whatsoever related to PODS or to any part of the scope of Xxx neither in the Engineer letter nor in Hotel Operator’s comments.
Therefore no action of any type is required from Xxx.
This is for your information, record & necessary action.
On behalf of Xxx LLC
Project Manager