Undertaking Letter

Re-Outstanding Snags – Bathroom Pods

Our Ref: xxx

07 March xxx

To:                         xxx Contracting  Company LLC P.  0. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.

Attention:            Mr. xxx  (Manager Maintenance  Division)


Subject:              Re- Outstanding   Snags –  Bathroom  Pods


a) xxx (Sub Contractor name) letter  xxx  dated 06 October 20xxx

b) xxx (Sub Contractor name) letter  xxx  dated 02 February 20xx

Dear Sir,

We are in receipt  of your  letter  ref:  xxx   dated  04 March  20xx and the  content  of your  letter  is completely  false and rejected. You are referring  to “outstanding   snags” in your letter  which  is related to scratch on marble  located in 834 406/Laundry.

•     Laundry has no relation  with  xxx (Sub Contractor name) scope of Works.

•     Marble  is under the Main Contractor’s  scope not xxx (Sub Contractor name) scope of Works. We urge you to avoid issuing such false and incorrect  accusations.

Also, refer  to  our  letter  ref (a) above  in which  we  have requested  you to  remedy  your  breach of Sub• contract  by immediately  issuing a full copy of the TOC to allow  us to check any related  snag list which you have decided not to do till date.

Lastly, we  refer  to  our  letter  ref  (b) above  and we  notify  you  again that  your  continuous   default  and deviation  from  your contractual  obligations  in accordance with  Clause 16 “payment”   of the Sub-Contract Agreement  are no longer tolerable.

You are in default  for more than  550 days in releasing the first  part of retention  & more than  120 days in releasing the final retention.

You are urged to remedy your default  immediately  and issue final payment certificate  to allow us to submit the final  invoice and receive our overdue  amounts  via a current  dated cheque by COB Monday  11 March 20XX.

Failing to do so, we will have no other  options  but to proceed with  legal actions against you. All rights are reserved.

Yours faithfully,

Project Manager

xxx (Sub Contractor name)

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