Our Ref: xxx
Date: xxx
To : xxx Mideast
Oman Branch
Attention : Mr. xxx Sing
Project : xxx Building, Oman
Subject : Re- IPA Building Balance of Works & Snags Closing
Reference: a) Xxx letter xxx dated 24 August xxx
b) Xxx letter xxx dated 21 January xxx
c) Xxx letter xxx dated 21 April xxx
d) Xxx letter xxx dated 22 April xxx
e) Xxx letter xxx dated 21 June xxx
f) Xxx letter xxx dated 26 July xxx
g) Xxx letter xxx dated 30 August xxx
h) Xxx letter xxx dated 31 August xxx
i) Xxx letter xxx dated 01 September xxx
Dear Sir,
We are writing in response to letter ref: xxx received on 4 September xxx and we note that the letter is addressed to all the Subcontractors and not to Xxx specifically. Nevertheless, we must record the following:
First, there is no open snags related to Xxx.
Second, we have responded to the close out document status in our previous letter ref (h) which remains valid. (Appendix 1)
In conclusion, the close out documents related to our scope are submitted, all the works related to us are completed and no any action is pending on Xxx.
In the end, we remind you on the amount of OMR xxx overdue since almost a year and a half and we urge you to release it on immediate basis.
On behalf of Xxx LLC
Project Manager