Snagging and De-snagging

Re-Attending snagging, submission of documents & TOC for IPA building

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Mideast

                                   Oman Branch

Attention          :           Mr. xxx Sing

Project             :           xxx Building, Oman

Subject:                               Re-Attending snagging, submission of documents & TOC for IPA building

Reference:         a) Xxx letter xxx dated 21 January xxx

                                b) Xxx letter xxx dated 21 April xxx

                                c)  Xxx letter xxx dated 22 April xxx

Dear Sir,

We are in receipt of your letter ref: xxx dated 15 June xxx and we note that the letter is addressed to all the Subcontractors and not to Xxx specifically, nevertheless, we must make the following clarification:

First, there are no comments whatsoever related to PODS or to any part of the scope of Xxx neither in the WIRs, QA/QC comments, or engineers & operators comments as highlighted earlier in our letter ref (c) and our emails dated 9 June xxx (appendix 1)

Second, the close out documents related to our scope are submitted.

  • As-built drawings are approved since 14 Feb xxx as the only comment received on our submitted as-built drawings was not related to Xxx (appendix 2).
  • O&M was revised and resubmitted on 16 June xxx (appendix 3) and is currently under review. Upon receipt of the approval & TOC date, the original warranties will be arranged from respective suppliers accordingly.

Third, there are no defective members/ elements/ components/ parts found in any pods on site to be replaced.

Fourth, the remaining points mentioned in your letter such as training sessions to the end user, deep cleaning, submission of spare parts are not related to the scope of Xxx.

In conclusion, no action of any type is currently required from Xxx.


On behalf of Xxx LLC


Project Manager

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