Project Team / Material Submittals / Shop Drawings / Long Lead Items

Project Team / Material Submittals / Shop Drawings / Long Lead Items

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Mideast

                                   Oman Branch

Attention          :           Mr. xxx Sing

Project             :           xxx Building, Oman

Subject                 : Project Team / Material Submittals / Shop Drawings / Long Lead Items

Dear Mr. Prince,

Further to the signing of the Subcontract Agreement, below you will find the contact details of our team assigned to your project:

  • Project Team
  • Mr. xxx, Projects Manager

Email: xxx

Mobile: xxx

  • Mr. xxx, Commercial Manager

Email: xxx

Mobile: xxx

  • Mr. xxx, Project Architect

Email: xxx

Mobile: xxx

  • Mr. xxx, Finance Controller

Email: xxx

Mobile: xxx

  • Material Submittals

Attached you will find the log showing the status of the submittals for all materials.

  • All material is already submitted.
  • 42 have ‘B’ status, however, we noticed some comments that may cause confusion.  Please see attached our comments on each case.
  • 6 are still under review.  Kindly expedite the approval.
  • 5 have ‘C’ status, please see attached our comments on each for your reconsideration.
  • Shop Drawings

Attached you will find our log showing the status of the submittals for all drawings.

  • Long Lead Items

We already started communicating with the suppliers on the delivery periods.  We shall keep you informed from time to time about the expected delivery periods.


On behalf of Xxx LLC


Project Manager

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