Phase C pods production on hold due to RCP drawings.
Our Ref: xxx
Date: xxx
To : xxx Construction Engg. Corp. (Middle East) LLC
P. O. Box xxx
Dubai, U.A.E.
Attention : Mr. xxx
Project : xxx – Zabeeel Second, Dubai, UAE.
Subject : Phase C pods production on hold due to RCP drawings.
Dear Sir,
We are writing to inform you that Phase C pods are still on hold due to the pending RCP drawings approval.
As per your instruction received via Email on 28th September (Email attached), the ceiling fabrication of Phase C PODs types (117L, 117AR, 118L, 118R, 119L, 120CL, 120BR, 202, 203, 304, and 305) to be put on hold until receiving the final RCP drawings approval.
However, it must be informed that the ceiling fabrication impacts the overall production as the pods cannot be completed without the ceilings and therefore pods cannot be moved outside the production line to allow other pods production to start.
For that we urge you to expedite the approval process with the consultant to allow us the start the production and completion of these pods.
Your prompt action is highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
On behalf of xxx LLC
Project manager