Payment Status – Reminder 1

Payment Status – Reminder 1

M/s xxx Building Contracting LLC       

PO Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E

T: xxx | F: xxx

Email: xxx

Attention        :   MR. xxx

    Project Manager

 Project         :   xxx Sky Tower – Umm Ramool

Subject        :   Payment Status – Reminder 1

Dear Sir,

We refer to our letter reference xxx dated 1st September xxx (copy attached) regarding our payment status for the above referred project, we would like to reiterate our statement that the absence of any Engineer’s Instruction shall not impinge our submitted payment application since the Work Order we signed is between M/s ASCON and Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors, thus, our payment application shall be certified and paid only by ASCON.

Moreover, this is to remind you that we did not agree on a back to back contract, and this has been highlighted on the documents issued through our letter reference AE1039/LET-15/AM-rmp-003 dated 8th June 2015. The non-payment of our already executed works shall give us rights to extension of time and additional cost and this has been highlighted in our letter reference xxx dated 1st September xxx.

We urge ASCON to release our payment and any delay in the works shall not be our responsibility as our cash flow situation has been greatly affected by this non-issuance of payment which has taken its toll on the progress of works.

This is for your information and necessary action.

Sincerely Yours,

For Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors LLC


Commercial Manager

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