Payment Status

Payment Status

M/s xxx Properties LLC

P.O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.                                

Tel: xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention        :   Engr. xxx

                            Project Manager                             

Project            :  (G+7F) xxx Apartment – Civil Works

Subject           :  Payment Status


  1. xxx dated 16th August xxx
  2. xxx dated 16th August xxx
  3. xxx dated 16th August xxx
  4. xxx dated 6th September xxx
  5. xxx dated 6th September xxx
  6. xxx dated 6th September xxx

Dear Sir,

We refer to our submitted Payment Application No. 1 & Payment Application No. 2 for Clusters G-11, G-12 and G-13 for the above referred project as per referenced above, please be informed that to date, we have not received any corresponding certification and payment which is affecting our progress of work at site.

In view of the above, please be informed that any delay in receiving the payment will affect the progress of works as our cash flow in procuring the required materials is greatly affected by this non-receipt of payment, we reserve our rights for extension of time and additional cost.

Meanwhile, please expedite the release of our payment in order for us to be able to progress accordingly.

This is for your information and necessary action.

Sincerely Yours,

For Xxx(Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors LLC                                    


Project Manager

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