Payment Status

Payment Status

M/s xxx Building Contracting LLC       

PO Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E

T: xxx | F: xxx

Email: xxx

Attention        :   MR. xxx

    Project Manager

 Project         :   xxx Sky Tower – Umm Ramool

Subject        :   Payment Status

Dear Sir,

We refer to your letter reference xxx dated 10th August xxx regarding the pending Engineer’s Instruction for joinery works and to our letters references xxx dated 22nd July xxx and xxx dated 28th July xxx regarding the payment status for the above referred project, please be informed that the absence of Engineer’s Instruction shall not impinge our submitted payment application since our agreement is with ASCON.

Moreover, as mentioned in the addendum to the Work Order submitted through our letter reference xxx dated 8th June xxx that our work order shall not have a back to back agreement with the Main Contract, hence, you are kindly requested to certify our submitted payment application and release the payment as soon as possible in order to avoid any delays. In case of delays that will occur due to non-issuance of payment on our executed works, Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors shall not be held responsible and shall automatically be entitled to claim for extension of time and additional cost.

This is for your information and necessary action.

Sincerely Yours,

For Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors LLC


Commercial Manager

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