Payment Dues

Payment Dues

M/s xxx Constructions and Operations                            

Office No,. xxx,

Financial Tower, DIFC xxx

Tel: xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention          :   Mr. xxx

                            Project Manager                    

Project             :  xxx – 6B+G100 Floors-Hotel & Residential Tower

Client               :  M/s xxx Holdings Ltd

Consultant       :  M/s xxx Architectural & Engineering Consultants

Subject            :  Payment Dues

Dear Sir,

We refer to your letter reference xxx dated 18th August xxx regarding the termination of the Main Contract by the Employer and to your letter reference xxx dated 27th September xxx regarding your request for the renewal of the Subcontractor’s Performance Bond.

In view of the above, we would like to request from xxx to release at the earliest our due payment which is long been overdue and was certified prior to the termination of the Main Contract, the amount due to date is AED xxx, please refer to PC21 to PC25 (copy attached).

Please note that once the due payment is released, we will be in a position to renew our Performance Guarantee.

This is for your information and necessary action.

Kind Regards,

For xxx Interiors LLC


Project Manager                                                                                    

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