Payment Application Number 5

Payment Application Number 5

XXX PROPERTY INVESTMENT                                         

P.O Box xxx Dubai, UAE

Tel: xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention    :   Mr. xxx – Project  Coordinator

                      Mr. xxx – Project Coordinator                                          

Project      :  xxx Tower Apartment Project

Client         :  Mr. xxx

Subject            :           Payment Application Number 5

Dear Sir,

We refer to our letter reference xxx dated 16th July xxx regarding our Interim Application No.5 for the above referred project, please be informed that while we acknowledged receipt of the payment for the amount of AED xxx which corresponds to our Payment Application No. 4, we have not received any feedback on our submitted IPA No. 5.

In view of the above, and considering that the project has long been completed and the applied penalty has been agreed, we would really appreciate it if the payment that we are due shall be released at the earliest.

This is for your information and necessary action.

Kind Regards,

For xxx Interiors LLC


Project Manager

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