Notification of Claims for Ceiling Suspension System Damaged by

Notification of Claims for Ceiling Suspension System Damaged by

M/s xxx Properties LLC

P.O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.                                

Tel: xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention        :   Engr. xxx

                            Project Manager                             

Project            :  (G+7F) xxx Apartment – Civil Works

Subject           :  Notification of Claims for Ceiling Suspension System Damaged by

Dear Sir,

We refer to our Work Order with M/s xxx reference xxx dated 23rd June xxx regarding the Fit-Out Works for the Entrances Lobbies and Health Clubs of G-11, G-12 and G-13 where we are currently progressing on site to meet the required completion date, however, we would like to draw your attention regarding the uncoordinated works carried out by your team that resulted in damages to our installed ceiling suspension system as shown on the attached photos.

Please be informed that this letter is to notify you that there will be cost and time impact claim due to the damages done on our works, all the relevant cost details will be forwarded to you in due course. Moreover, we will start the rectification of the damaged ceiling once the necessary clearance to proceed with our works is issued in order to avoid similar incident like this, any delays due to this is not under Xxx(Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors’ responsibility, it will be the responsibility of ASCON.

Meanwhile, we request you to instruct your team to avoid damaging the works of others by keeping close coordination between all the parties involved.

This is for your information and necessary action.

Sincerely Yours,

For Xxx(Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors LLC                                    


Project Manager

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