Method statement of fixing of cistern tank

Method statement of fixing of cistern tank

Method Statement for Fixing Cistern Tank

1. Introduction:
Fixing a cistern tank is an essential part of plumbing installation in both residential and commercial buildings. The cistern tank is responsible for storing water and facilitating the flushing mechanism of the toilet. Proper installation ensures efficient water usage and prevents leaks. This method statement provides a detailed step-by-step guide for fixing a cistern tank, including safety precautions and adherence to standard guidelines.

2. Safety Precautions:
Before commencing any work, ensure safety by following these precautions:

  • Turn off the main water supply to the area where the cistern tank will be installed.
  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and safety goggles to prevent injuries.
  • Use caution when handling heavy or bulky materials to avoid strains or accidents.
  • Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid exposure to harmful fumes from adhesives or sealants.
  • Keep the work area clean and free from obstacles to minimize the risk of accidents or tripping hazards.

3. Tools and Materials Required:

  • Cistern tank
  • Mounting brackets or straps
  • Screws and wall plugs
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Screwdriver set
  • Spirit level
  • Measuring tape
  • Silicone sealant
  • Thread seal tape (Teflon tape)
  • Water supply hose

4. Procedure:

Step 1: Preparation
1.1. Turn off the main water supply to the toilet.
1.2. Clear the area where the cistern tank will be installed and ensure it is clean and dry.
1.3. Gather all necessary tools and materials for the installation.

Step 2: Positioning the Cistern Tank
2.1. Determine the ideal location for the cistern tank on the wall behind the toilet bowl.
2.2. Use a spirit level to ensure the mounting surface is level both horizontally and vertically.
2.3. Mark the positions for mounting brackets or straps on the wall according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step 3: Mounting the Cistern Tank
3.1. Attach the mounting brackets or straps to the marked positions on the wall using screws and wall plugs.
3.2. Ensure the brackets or straps are securely fixed to the wall and can support the weight of the cistern tank.
3.3. Place the cistern tank onto the mounted brackets or straps, ensuring it is level and properly aligned with the toilet bowl.

Step 4: Connecting the Water Supply
4.1. Connect the water supply hose to the inlet valve on the bottom of the cistern tank.
4.2. Use an adjustable wrench to tighten the connection securely, ensuring there are no leaks.
4.3. Apply thread seal tape (Teflon tape) to the threaded ends of the water supply hose to prevent leaks.

Step 5: Securing the Cistern Tank
5.1. Use a spirit level to ensure the cistern tank is level both horizontally and vertically.
5.2. Adjust the mounting brackets or straps as necessary to ensure the cistern tank is securely fixed to the wall.
5.3. Tighten the screws on the mounting brackets or straps to secure the cistern tank in place.

Step 6: Sealing and Testing
6.1. Apply silicone sealant around the edges of the cistern tank where it meets the wall to create a waterproof seal.
6.2. Allow the sealant to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions before testing the cistern tank.
6.3. Turn on the main water supply and fill the cistern tank with water.
6.4. Flush the toilet several times to ensure proper functionality and check for any leaks around the cistern tank or water supply connections.

Step 7: Compliance with Standards:
Ensure that the installation of the cistern tank complies with relevant industry standards and guidelines, such as:

  • National Plumbing Code
  • Manufacturer’s Installation Instructions
  • Health and Safety Regulations

Step 8: Conclusion:
Fixing a cistern tank requires attention to detail and adherence to safety standards to ensure efficient water usage and prevent leaks. By following this method statement, you can achieve a professional installation that meets functional requirements and safety guidelines. Regular maintenance and inspection are recommended to ensure the cistern tank continues to operate effectively.

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