Pod Delivery Schedule

Issues in Delivery and leveling of the pods

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/SUN-026

Date                                      : 30th March XXX

To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING

Attention                            : Mr. XXX

Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION

Subject                                 : Issues in Delivery and leveling of the pods

Dear Mr. xxx,

There are 2 major issues we want your immediate attention and instructions.

  • Delay in offloading the pods as the site is not ready to take the pods.

The above point is critical as this will reflect in a delay to achieve the target given to us in the meeting with Consultant and xxx Engineering of 9 Pods/Day.

The delays in offloading will have an effect on the next day’s deliveries and if the truck was not offloaded before late evening then the transport company will charge us a detention and the same will be diverted to Sun Engineering.

  • Giving us a proper leveled floor with Marked FFL level according to your elevation requirement.

Regarding the level of the pods, xxx engineering has to provide xxx a leveled floor which was agreed during the coordination meetings. As per the instruction we are only supposed to place the pods on 10mm pads to level according to the elevation drawings approved. Currently in the room areas there is no marking of surveyor line of FFL.  We were following the site instruction in placing the pods which I can see is not fitting with the windows in most of the pods.

As you know we have started the tile works and we are unable to finish the window area’s tiling because of windows not aligned.

Now we need a site variation instruction to change these windows to the site requirement. So I would appreciate your immediate action to resolve the crisis.

Thanks and regards,


Projects Manager

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