Follow Up on Payment

Follow Up on Payment

M/s xxx Constructions and Operations                            

Office No,. xxx,

Financial Tower, DIFC xxx

Tel: xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention          :   Mr. xxx

                            Project Manager                    

Project             :  xxx – 6B+G100 Floors-Hotel & Residential Tower

Client               :  M/s xxx Holdings Ltd

Consultant       :  M/s xxx Architectural & Engineering Consultants

Subject            :  Follow Up on Payment

Dear Sir,

We refer to our letter ref: xxx dated 22nd May xxx regarding our submitted Payment Application ref: xxx dated 28th March xxx with a net cumulative due amount of AED xxx.  Aside from the progress payment, please release the retention money amounting to AED xxx since the project had been completed years back and all the requested snagging works had been finished as well, giving a total amount of AED xxx (xxx Only).

We kindly request for the settlement of the full amount at the earliest since it was pending since March xxx.

Your cooperation on this matter is highly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

For xxx Interiors LLC


Project Manager                                                                                    

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