Final Payment – Release of Final Retention

Final Payment – Release of Final Retention

XXX PROPERTY INVESTMENT                                         

P.O Box xxx Dubai, UAE

Tel: xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention    :   Mr. xxx – Project  Coordinator

                      Mr. xxx – Project Coordinator                                          

Project      :  xxx Tower Apartment Project

Client         :  Mr. xxx

Subject            :           Final Payment – Release of Final Retention


  1. xxx dated 11th October xxx
  2. xxx dated 16th August xxx
  3. xxx dated 16th July xxx
  4. xxx dated 6th July xxx

Dear Sir,

Further to the above referred letters in relation to the work done for the above referred project and to the outstanding payments; please be informed that we have not received any feedback from your end.

In view of the foregoing and considering that the maintenance period for the project is already over, we are now submitting herewith our Final Payment Application for the release of the final retention amount totaling to AED xxx, along with the supporting documents for your information and necessary action.

We look forward in receiving our final payment at the earliest.

Kind Regards,

For xxx Interiors LLC


Project Manager

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