Final notice to correct HVAC Works
Date : 19th January xxx
Ref. : xxx/P1010/PM/2021/01
To : M/S. xxx Electromechanical Services LLC
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: xxx
Email id: [email protected]
Attention: Mr. xxx – Managing Partner
Project : Proposed Private G+1+R Villa on Plot No: xxx
At Al Barsha South First, Dubai-U.A.E. For Mr. xxx
Subject: Final notice to correct
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above-mentioned subject, we wish to put on record that full set of HAVC shop drawing for the captioned project yet to submit to the Consultant’s review which supposed to submit within 10 days from 2nd July 2020 date of signed off the subcontract agreement.
Roof waterproofing and other successor activities are under hold due non approval of AC outdoor unit and roof HVAC drawing. Wet area waterproofing also under hold due to non-completion of HVAC vertical ducting works which will pass through wet area.
Fixing of suspension for false ceiling can be proceed as ducting work not completed. Partial duct has delivery at site
M/s Power Mech Electrotechnical Service LLC has failed repeatedly to show up their promised performance on site. Installation of duct not yet completed even for one floor after six months of the subcontract agreement despite of our numerous follow up (correspondence copy attached).
Considering the current site situation, HVAC work is in the project critical path, which delayed project completion date already and its continued. Any delay penalty from the Client to MCM will pass to Power Mech and the amount will be adjusted from Powermech account with us.
MCM express serious concerned over delivered unapproved materials on site which got rejected immediately by the Consultant. Its cause negative impression on MCM profile by the Consultant.
Therefore, you are instructed to expedite the submission of balance shop drawings and site work immediately. In failure of showing positive momentum or initiative within two days, MCM reserve its right to take action against said poor performance by the Powermech.
Thank You.
Yours Sincerely,
xxx LLC