Final Accounts for Original Contract Works_Revised

Final Accounts for Original Contract Works_Revised

M/s xxx Construction & Investment Co. L.L.C.

P.O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.                                

Tel: xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention        :   Mr. xxx

                            Operations – Operations                           

Project            :  (G+7F) xxx Apartment

Consultant    :  xxx Engineering Consultants

Subject:           Final Accounts for Original Contract Works_Revised

Dear Sir,

We refer to the draft final account statement received from ASCON through email on 3rd January 2016 regarding the above referred project (copy attached), we would like to inform you that we are not in agreement on the final account value and quantities; hence, we have done the actual site measurement in order to settle this final account for the original scope of works. Attached herewith is the summary of quantities taken by Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors on site as well as the corresponding amount for your information and further action.

Moreover, this Final Account does not include our claim for the additional cost on the bulk head which was claimed separately. In the event that the aforementioned Final Account on the original scope of works which is based on the actual site measurement is not certified and approved by ASCON within a reasonable time, we reserve our rights to refer this claim to the Client M/s Damac for further certification and approval.

This is for your information and necessary action.

Kind Regards,

For Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors LLC                                   


Commercial Manager

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