Final Accounts and Penalties

Final Accounts and Penalties

xxx CONTRACTING CO. LLC                                        

P.O Box xxx Dubai, UAE

Tel: xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention                    :   Engr. xxx

                            Project Manager                            

Project                        :  xxx Residential Development

Client             :  M/s. xxx LLC

Consultant    :  M/s xxx and Alami (Consolidate Engineering Co.)

Subject            :  Final Accounts and Penalties

Dear Sir,

We refer to our meeting on 29th January xxx where we have discussed our Final Accounts as well as the maximum delayed penalties that Al xxx have imposed on xxx Interiors which we have disagree.

As discussed and promised by you during the meeting that you will provide us the feedback after two days from the date of the meeting, however, as of today we did not receive any feedback.

We really appreciate in receiving your favorable response.

Kind Regards,

For xxx Interiors LLC


Project Manager                                                                                    

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