Our Ref: xxx
Date: xxx
To : xxx Construction Engg. Corp. (Middle East) LLC
P. O. Box xxx
Dubai, U.A.E.
Attention : Mr. xxx
Project : xxx – Zabeeel Second, Dubai, UAE.
Subject : Failure to deliver Materials as per the project requirement.
Dear Sir
You have failed till date to replace the rejected slabs for the above mentioned project despite our continuous reminders and requests.
Your constant insistence on resolving the matter with the consultant as the only action and failure to do so has caused a severe damage to our production line and affected our deliveries to site.
Such impact on our production and deliveries cannot be tolerated by xxx, and xxx Ceramic are fully liable and solely responsible for any consequences including but not limited to any damage, loss, cost and time implication that may occur due to such failure in meeting their obligations toward Unipods and the project.
xxx Ceramic are instructed to immediately replace all the rejected slabs within 1 week only to avoid additional damage to our works.
Yours faithfully,
On behalf of xxx LLC
Project manager