Due Payment on Variation

Due Payment on Variation

M/s xxx Building Contracting LLC       

PO Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E

T: xxx | F: xxx

Email: xxx

Attention        :   MR. xxx

    Project Manager

 Project         :   xxx Sky Tower – Umm Ramool

Subject            :  Due Payment on Variation


  1. xxx dated 27th July xxx
  2. xxx dated 19th April xxx

Dear Sir,

We refer to our above reference letters regarding the Kitchen Cabinets and Wardrobe Contract for the above referred project which was signed with M/s ASCON and despite Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors full cooperation and coordination in successfully completing the works we are still struggling in receiving our due payment for the works done.

Moreover, as per the meeting we had recently with your QS, he was not accepting to certify the variations we have submitted for the Counter Top despite providing all the supporting documents as referred above. The counter top claimed is due to the changes as highlighted in our letters sent previously with ASCON which is the difference between the approved shop drawings and actual site dimension. If your QS is not convinced on our claim for variation, we would be very happy to accompany him in carrying out the actual measurement at site.

In view of the above-mentioned details, we request your intervention in the successful conclusion of this issue.

We look forward to your positive and favorable assistance on this matter.

Sincerely Yours,

For Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors LLC


Commercial Manager

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