Date: xxx
Ref: xxx
Kind Attn :Mr. xxx
Project :2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha
1st, Dubai U.A.E.
Subject : Response to Your letter reference no. xxx dated xxx regarding discrepancy in the door quantity and fire rating in nominated subcontractor documents
Dear Sir,
With reference to above, and in continuation to our previous letter ref no.CC/AP/242/16 DT.21.01.17 and as per your letter reference no.AP/269/CC/217 dated 22.01.17 ,please find the discrepancy details and we would like to intimate you the following:
- The green colour notification is for main contractor’s scope.
- The yellow colour shows the discrepancy in quantity which is not matching with the main contractor’s scope.
- The red colour describes scope available in drawing for the main contractor but subcontractor has not included this scope for the 2 hour fire rated doors. Kindly review and instruct to the employer to review their scope.
- For some area there is no discrepancy in quantity but fire rated to be reviewed by your office.
So, this is for your kind information and in continuation to clarify the main contractor’s scope and discrepancy in the nominated subcontractor quotation.
Kindly review and intimate to the employer to do the needful.
For xxx Contracting L.L.C.
Project Manager