Delays in the release of Xxx due progress payments and certificates

Delays in the release of Xxx due progress payments and certificates

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Mideast

                                   Oman Branch

Attention          :           Mr. xxx Sing

Project             :           xxx Building, Oman

Subject                 : Delays in the release of Xxx due progress payments and certificates

Dear Mr. Prince,

We are writing in response to your letter ref: xxx dated 5 April xxxx and received by Xxx on the 8 April xxx and we would like to inform the followings:

The statement you are recording in your letter is incorrect.

Xxx has still not received any of our overdue payments for October (IPA01), November (IPA02) or December xxx (IPA03) accounting for a gross certified amount of OMR xxx.

Based on your confirmation that the Employer has released all outstanding payments to SPOS, you are kindly requested to release our overdue progress payments with immediate effect.

With reference to the required documents listed in your letter please note that Xxx has completed delivery and installation of all pods on site, and the listed documents have been submitted by Xxx prior to start of production and delivery.

Furthermore, please note that we have still not received certification for our payment application (IPA04) for works done in month of January xxx, despite the certification having been released by the Engineer more than one month ago as confirmed by SPOS in email dated 11 March xxx.

Xxx has effectively fully financed and completed the entire project while having received only the advance payment. We therefore kindly urge you again to release our due payments and certificate with immediate effect.

Your prompt action is highly appreciated.


On behalf of Xxx LLC


Project Manager

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