Confirmation to toilet door frame width for single shutter non sliding door area.

Confirmation to toilet door frame width for single shutter non sliding door area.

Date: xxx

Ref no: CC/HC/015

To                : M/s xxx Center

Attn.             : Mr. xxx

Project       : 2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. 373-1297 at Barsha,    Dubai

Sub                : Confirmation to toilet door frame width for single shutter non sliding door area.


         With reference to above we would like to inform you that the toilet door farm’s

               Width being confirmed 120mm wherever you have single shutter door in toilet for all

                Typical floor excluding the sliding in specific toilet for twin room areas

 So, this is for your information and kindly cross check at site with our team and if you have any concern, please update immediately after your site visit.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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