Confirmation of Cancelled Variation

Confirmation of Cancelled Variation

M/s xxx Pojects Co.

P.O. Box xxx, Riyadh, K.S.A

Tel : xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention:       Mr. xxx

                        Chief Executive Officer

Cc:                  Eng. xxx

                        Sr. Project Engineer

                        Eng. xxx

                        Project Manager

Project:          xxx Project -KSA      

Subject            :           Confirmation of Cancelled Variation

Dear Sir,

We refer to the attached variation xxx dated 3rd June xxx regarding the additional requirement at Cabin Crew Area with a comment that it is cancelled. 

This serves as a confirmation that the aforesaid Variation to Contract No. 101 is cancelled.

The same is for your information, reference and records.

Best Regards,

For: Xxx(Name of the Sub-Contractor) Interiors L.L.C.


Commercial Manager             

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