Completion of damage rectification

Completion of damage rectification

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                           : xxx Contracting Company LLC

                               P. O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx, Senior Project Manager

Project                 : xxx Tower, Dubai – U.A.E.

Subject:               Completion of damage rectification

References:        a) M/s xxx (Contractor Name) letter ref: xxx dated 30 March xxxx

 b) ASC letter ref: xxx dated 22 June xxxx

Dear Sir,

We are writing with reference to your letter ref (b) above to inform you that we have completed rectifications for the damages communicated to you via damage reports ref: xxx & xxx.

Furthermore, we have raised an inspection request (appendix 1) for each rectified pods as per below:

S/nDamage ReportPOD TypeLevelPod Barcode.Inspection Request No.

Accordingly, since M/s xxx (Contractor Name) have completed the rectification works, we kindly request you to certify the cost of damage rectifications amounting AED xxx in the next payment certificate.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of M/s xxx (Contractor Name) LLC


Projects Manager

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