Check and Priority Lists with Confirmation Date
Ref: xxx
Date: xxx
P.O Box: xxx
Tel: xxx, Fax: xxx
Project : 2B+G+7 Residential Building, ICP1 CBD C01, International City
Client : M/s xxx Properties Ltd
Consultant : M/s xxx Engineering Consultant.
Subject: Check and Priority Lists with Confirmation Date
Dear Sir
With reference to the above mentioned subject and as yesterday meeting discussion. We would like to inform you that you need to send us your work schedule together with checklist and Priority list with date of confirmation. With this we come to know what are remaining works and related works need to be prioritized, to us to do the parallel with other activity.
As we send you letter before that we are not accepting your date of completion. We need earlier than as you said in your letter because Painting works and Removing of Scaffolding were delayed because of your work still not completed.
As we all know we only have small remaining time for the handing over of the building.
So, please do the necessary works.
In this regards your cooperation is highly appreciated.
Thanking you
For xxx Contracting LLC
General Manager