Cancellation of Xxx Supervisor Visa

Cancellation of Xxx Supervisor Visa

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Mideast

                                   Oman Branch

Attention          :           Mr. xxx Sing

Project             :           xxx Building, Oman

Subject                 : Cancellation of Xxx Supervisor Visa


  1. Xxx letter ref: xxx dated 17th September xxx
  2. SPOS letter ref: xxx dated 23rd September xxx
  3. Xxx letter ref: xxx dated 24th September xxx

Dear Mr. xxx,

We are writing to request you to cancel the Visa of Xxx Supervisor Mr. xxx Singh working under your company.

Sadly, Mr. xxx has lost his father a couple of days ago and he needs to travel back to his home country immediately, so kindly facilitate and expedite the cancellation process.

We request you to kindly settle any due amount from his salaries up to end of April xxx and provide us the final breakdown for all the related expenses. Xxx will book the ticket for his flight to India.

Furthermore, as clarified by you, the final handing over is expected in August xxx. Therefore since our work has already been completed, we will currently hand over the pods keys to you at this time. Since we expect borders to open during the time of final handing over and we will be sending our team to site at that time to attend any snags required from our side if required prior to final handing over.


On behalf of Xxx LLC


Project Manager

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