Critical Path

Bathroom Pods Program of Works

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Middle East,

                                    P.O.Box xxx,

            Dubai – UAE.

Attention          :           Mr. xxx

                        :           Project Manager

Project             :           xxx Towers Project, Dubai

Subject            :           Bathroom Pods Program of Works

Dear Mr. xxx,

We refer to your letter xxx. Thank you for your comments. Please note we have reviewed your comments and respond, point by point (in the same sequence as your comments), as follows:

  1. Start date of second batch of shop drawings:

This activity has been brought forward. Please note that it is contingent upon receipt of “INFORMATION FOR – xxx” (Activities xxx, xxx) which XXX requested to be on 24 April. After this activity we submit our superimposed plans (if necessary; they have already been submitted) and then the consultant will design the tile layouts based on our superimposed layouts (please see next point).

  • Activity ID xxx: For the second phase of PODs (C1 L18 and above, C2 L 16 and above), the consultant will provide xxx/ with their revised tile layouts based on the submitted superimposed plans. We estimate this activity to take about one month. Please advise when the consultant can provide us with the revised tile layouts.
  • POD installation for L16: This was due to the production batch xxx which included L16. The batch has been split up and deliveries now meet floor clearance dates provided by xxx.
  • This is noted, and the revised schedule reflects this. Please note that some of the provided dates fall on a Friday or Public Holiday (eg. January 1st) and the date was moved to the next working day (6 day UAE calendar).
  • Critical Path:  scope is to supply complete bathroom pods to XXX site on the delivery dates stipulated. We will produce the pods according to our production schedules, sometimes in batches ahead of delivery dates. This will drive the critical path to the clearance dates by the Contractor. Kindly examine the critical path up to the first production of pods to understand our schedule of works better.
  • This has been done in the revised program.
  • Number of pods per level: Please refer to attached quantity showing number of pods and type per level. Please note that we are yet to finalize the number of pods per floor. Final quantities can be added to the schedule once superimposed plans are confirmed.
  • Snagging Activity Durations: We have not detailed the “Inspection & Snagging” or “Handover” activities per floor, which is why they have an exaggerated duration. This has now been rectified. We would appreciate if XXXcan clarify the following dates in order to finalize the dated of post-delivery activities:
    • Installation date per floor (Installation is when we push the pod in its final location and level them. For this we need MEP clearance and Survey levels)
    • Inspection and handover dates per floor
  • Manpower Requirements: Noted, this can be included provided the dates on the preceding point are clarified and we confirm logistics plans with XXXConstruction Manager (logistics is being finalized at the moment)
  1. Narrative: We would be happy to discuss this point during the progress meeting so that all parties involved are aware and understand the sequence of work.
  1. Logistics Plan: A draft was submitted to XXXConstruction Manager and is being finalized at the moment.
  1. Activity Descriptions: We have included the towers and levels for each activity and will do the same for the Inspection/Handover and Commissioning once those dates are clarified by xxx. Please clarify how XXX would like  to include Zones and Work Trades in their schedule.                                                                

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of  xxx LLC


Project Manager       

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