approval for extension of time and variation approval issue

approval for extension of time and variation approval issue

Date:               xxx

Ref:                  xxx

Kind Attn         :Mr. xxx

Project:            2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai

Subject            : Regarding approval for extension of time and variation approval issue and our issue for additional prolong preliminary cost claim (490 days till date)

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above, we would like to put your kind notice that our claim for extension of time not granted till date and we have following issue now.

  1. Our preliminary cost for 16 months was claimed up to 95% already additional prolong period cost, for 490 days till date remain unpaid due to non-approval of   extension of time.
  2. Your communication AP/269/CC/433 and your remark for our claim CC/AP/515/17 dtd 29/7/xxx, we are disagree for your description for item no 2,4b& 4c, as we have valid claim due to drawing changes from basement to ground floor and building permit notes as well as additional work for block work for shoring, approved variation for ss lootha as well as other issues up to ground floor the fact on documents should not be denied.
  3.  We have the serious impact for additional cost for preliminaries being occurred due to extension claim as well as the issue of the payment for dewatering sub-contractor with full claim and variation approval pending.
  4. We will submit the updated delay impact on claim for extension of time in day or too

So, we want to put your kind notice that our contractual rights withheld not approval till date, which have the impact on project progress and other issue for the sub-contractor.

Kindly, grant the extension of the time for the project completion to claim our other cost impact including variation work approval also not resolved /negative impact to be analyzed.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C.


Project Manager

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