Air Curtains to Keeping the Climate Controlled and Pests Out.

Air Curtains to Keeping the Climate Controlled and Pests Out.

Air curtains, also known as air doors, are devices designed to create an invisible barrier of air over an opening, such as a doorway or window. This barrier serves to separate two environments with differing temperatures or atmospheres while facilitating the flow of traffic. Here’s an overview of where air curtains are used, tips for selecting the right one, and some health considerations:

Where to Use Air Curtains:

  • Commercial Entrances: Commonly found in supermarkets, restaurants, warehouses, and other commercial buildings to:
  • Maintain comfortable indoor temperatures by reducing drafts
  • Save energy by preventing conditioned air from escaping
  • Block dust, fumes, and odors
  • Deter flying insects
  • Industrial Settings: Utilized in factories and workshops to:
  • Segregate areas with different climate control needs
  • Control dust and airborne particles
  • Maintain specific temperatures in environments like cold storage facilities and cleanrooms
  • Residential Applications: Less common but can be used to:
  • Prevent drafts near frequently opened doors
  • Minimize insect intrusion

Selecting an Air Curtain:

  • Consider factors such as doorway size, airflow capacity, and heating or cooling needs.
  • Follow ASHRAE guidelines for proper selection, considering parameters like throw length, air velocity, and ambient conditions.
  • Define your needs, consider environmental conditions, select the appropriate air curtain type, and determine airflow requirements.

Pros and Cons of Air Curtains:

  1. Energy Efficiency: Reduces heat loss or gain, leading to energy savings.
  2. Improved Indoor Air Quality: Blocks outdoor pollutants, enhancing indoor air quality.
  3. Enhanced Comfort: Maintains consistent indoor temperatures and minimizes drafts for occupants.
  4. Increased Productivity: Controls dust, fumes, and contaminants, creating a better working environment.


  1. Initial Cost: Purchasing and installing air curtains may have a significant upfront cost.
  2. Noise: Some models may generate noise, which can be disruptive in quiet environments.
  3. Maintenance Requirements: Regular maintenance is necessary for optimal performance.
  4. Limited Effectiveness in Extreme Conditions: May have limitations in providing complete thermal insulation in extreme environments.

ASHRAE Research and Health Effects:

  • ASHRAE has not published specific research on the health effects of air curtains.
  • Potential health considerations include air quality and noise levels generated by air curtains, which may affect occupants, especially in sensitive environments.

In conclusion, air curtains offer numerous benefits for various applications, but proper selection, installation, and maintenance are essential to ensure optimal performance and minimize potential drawbacks.

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