ADDITIONAL WORKS (Modification of TV Units)

ADDITIONAL WORKS (Modification of TV Units)

XXX PROPERTY INVESTMENT                                         

P.O Box xxx Dubai, UAE

Tel: xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention    :   Mr. xxx – Project  Coordinator

                      Mr. xxx – Project Coordinator                                          

Project      :  xxx Tower Apartment Project

Client         :  Mr. xxx

Subject            :           ADDITIONAL WORKS (Modification of TV Units)

Dear Sir,

With reference to the Letter of Award (LOA) Ref: xxx dated 16th February, and further to receive your instruction Ref: xxx dated 24th December xxx, herein we request your kind attention to facilitate the LOA addendum to cover the variation cost amount of AED xxx (xxx Only).

This is sent for your urgent action.

Kind Regards,

For xxx Interiors LLC


Project Manager

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