Acceptance of LPO as well as program of work and approval for Pelmet
Date : xxx
Ref : xxx
To : M/s. xxx GROUP, PO Box xxx, Sharjah UAE.
Project : 2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai
Subject : Acceptance of LPO as well as program of work and approval for Pelmet
Dear Mr. xxx,
With reference to the above subject we would like to inform you that we did not received any acceptance of our LPO for pelmet and you did not submit till dated the following:
- Acceptance of LPO Nomination.
- Shop Drawing
- Materials Approval
- Program of Work.
Kindly provide as requested immediately.
For xxx Contracting L.L.C
Project Manager
Md Abu Zaed Khan
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