Damage of Pex Pipes in Cluster G-12

Damage of Pex Pipes in Cluster G-12

M/s xxx Building Contracting LLC       

PO Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E

T: xxx | F: xxx

Email: xxx

Attention        :   MR. xxx

    Project Manager

 Project         :   xxx Sky Tower – Umm Ramool

Subject        :   Damage of Pex Pipes in Cluster G-12

Dear Sir,

We are in receipt of your letter reference xxx dated 13th August xxx regarding the damaged Pex Pipes allegedly by Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors which we refute and not accepted.

Please be informed that Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors has followed the approved shop drawings in carrying out our works as we have been instructed to proceed to avoid any delay in the handing over, however, we are almost completed with our works when the MEP Contractor M/s Fawas came and carry out the markings and informed us later on that we should not work on the area. Being a specialist MEP Contractor who should protect its work at all times and knowing that other Subcontractors are working in the areas, M/s Fawas should have made the markings earlier prior to any works that has been carried out by others in order to avoid any damages.

In view of the above, the damages done on M/s Fawas Pex Pipes is due to the MEP Subcontractor negligence in protecting their works, therefore, Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors shall not be held liable as we have carried out our work in good faith, hence we reject any deduction that may be applied on our account due to this Pex Pipes issue.

This is for your information, reference and record.

Sincerely Yours,

For Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors LLC


Commercial Manager

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