Fire Rated Doors Civil Defense Certificate

Fire Rated Doors Civil Defense Certificate

xxx CONTRACTING CO. LLC                                        

P.O Box xxx Dubai, UAE

Tel: xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention                    :   Engr. xxx

                            Project Manager                            

Project                        :  xxx Residential Development

Client             :  M/s. xxx LLC

Consultant    :  M/s xxx and Alami (Consolidate Engineering Co.)

Subject             :  Fire Rated Doors Civil Defense Certificate

Dear Sir,

We acknowledge receipt of your letter reference xxx dated 15th November xxx and letter reference xxx dated 14th November xxx regarding the Main Building Fire Rated Doors and the necessary Civil Defense Certificate and would like to inform you that it is not in xxx Interiors’ intention to ignore or neglect your instruction as we value our commitment to complete the project successfully.

Please be informed that xxx Interiors has already applied for the required certificate of the fire rated doors and currently waiting for their issuance by the concerned authority, rest assured that once the certificate is issued we will immediately forward to you.  

In view of the above, we request that the extension for submission of the required certificate be given due consideration as the process of issuance by the concerned authority is not within our control.

We look forward to your understanding and favorable consideration on this matter, we assure you that our commitment is for the successful completion of the project.

Kind Regards,

For xxx Interiors LLC


Project Manager                                                                                    

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