Light switch Access Panel CDP Electrical Junction Box and Manifold locations

Light switch Access Panel CDP Electrical Junction Box and Manifold locations

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                           : xxx Contracting Company LLC

                               P. O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx, Senior Project Manager

Project                 : xxx Tower, Dubai – U.A.E.

Subject :     Light switch, Access Panel, CDP, Electrical Junction Box and Manifold locations

Reference: a) xxx dated 18 August xxxx

                    b) Email for the Minutes of Meeting held on site on 25 August xxxx

Dear Sir,

We are writing to you with regards to the subject mentioned above and would like to inform you the following:

  • We have requested you in our letter ref (a), to notify us if you have any objection or comment on our approved pod drawings on or before 20 August xxxx otherwise our production line will be proceeding with the works strictly as per our approved shop drawings.
  • You have responded by sharing with us the light, power and slab builders work on 18 August xxxx without any information with regards to the access panel, electrical junction box or manifolds.

In addition to that, the location of light back boxes and CDP provided were not typical per pod type which makes it incompatible with pod mass production. The same was communicated to you by email on 19 August xxxx (appendix 1).

Following the above, a coordination meeting was set on 25 August 2012 to discuss and close out any pending issues related to the light switch, access panel, CDP, electrical junction box and manifold.

Accordingly we would like to conclude the matter item by item as per the below:

  1. Access Panel:

We haven’t received any drawings/details to change from our approved pod drawings but during the site meeting held on 25 August xxxx ref (b), point #3, we were informed that their might be some change in the access panel location.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) have informed that for the first in place (mockup pods), M/s xxx (Contractor Name) has followed the approved pod drawings and no further changes can occur to these pods and the same was confirmed and accepted by Al Sahel.

Furthermore, with regards to the project balance pods, it was agreed that in case of any change, it should be communicated to M/s xxx (Contractor Name) officially by latest on 26 August xxxx.

Accordingly and since we haven’t received any instruction, we consider that our approved pod drawings are final and any change request or comment that will be communicated to M/s xxx (Contractor Name) after the receipt of this letter, will have cost and time implication and M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will not be responsible for its consequences on the project delivery.

  • Electrical Junction Box and manifold locations:

We haven’t received any drawings/details to change from our approved pod drawings.

During the site meeting held on 25 August xxxx ref (b), point #4, it was recorded that the locations of electrical Junction Box and manifolds are final and confirmed as per approved pod drawings.

Accordingly, any change request or comment that will be communicated to M/s xxx (Contractor Name) after the receipt of this letter, will have cost and time implication and we will not be responsible for its consequences on the project delivery.

  • Cold Drain Pipe (CDP) & Light switch:

Al xxx confirmed during the meeting held on 25 August xxxx ref (b), point #1, that provisions cannot be typical and therefore they have all been relocated outside the Pod walls and will be done on site by Al Sahel’s MEP team.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will provide instead 2.5 meters of extra wires for the light switch connection.

AL Sahel MEP team requested for a provision of the washbasin’s drain pipe with a typical position. Therefore, M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will be providing a 32 mm diameter hole in the Pods concrete upstand once receiving the exact location required from Al Sahel under the condition that these cases are not yet casted.

In case any of the bases were casted by the time of receiving the location of the required provisions, then Al Sahel has to do the provision by themselves on site for these pods.

An official instruction/confirmation was expected to be communicated from Al Sahel by 26 August xxxx. However, since no further comment/details was received, we will consider that these provisions are no longer under M/s xxx (Contractor Name) scope.

  • Additional request to install GI rings in M/s xxx (Contractor Name) factory:

Al xxx requested M/s xxx (Contractor Name) during the meeting held on 25 August xxxx ref (b), point #6, to install the exhaust grill GI rings directly in the factory and that the GI rings will be supplied as a Free Issue Materials to M/s xxx (Contractor Name) by Al Sahel.

For that, we request you to ensure that the materials are delivered by latest 15 September xxxx to us, otherwise we regret not to be able to install it in our factory and it has to be installed by Al Sahel on site.


In conclusion, CDP and light back boxes are no longer in M/s xxx (Contractor Name) scope. Access panel, manifolds and electrical junction box locations will be as per M/s xxx (Contractor Name) approved pod drawings.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) does not have any scope of work on site in relation to any external wall services. Such services will to be executed by Al Sahel and/or their other subcontractors.

No further change can be accommodated in the scheduled production of the pods. Any future change will lead to abortive works and will seriously impact the schedule of deliveries.

Please note that M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will not be responsible for any rejection, NCR, or comments that will arise after the start of production by the Engineer/Client/Contractor due to any change in the location of the items listed above.

Any change that will be communicated to us after the issuance of this letter will have a direct impact on the project schedule, and M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will hold no liability toward any resulting delay in the production or delivery of PODs. Any such delay will be on the account of Al Sahel.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of M/s xxx (Contractor Name) LLC


Projects Manager

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