First in place (mockup) pods types 01M, 02M & 03M comments

First in place (mockup) pods types 01M, 02M & 03M comments

Our Ref: xxx



xxx Contracting LLC

P. O. Box xxx

Dubai, U.A.E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager

Project                 : : xxx Tower, Dubai – U.A.E.

Subject :     First in place (mockup) pods types 01M, 02M & 03M comments

Dear Sir,

We are writing to you with regards to the comments received on the 3 first in place pods types 01M, 02M & 03M and would like to respond point wise to each comment:

Comment #1 received via Email on 15 Sep xxxx (appendix 1): Water heater access panel size is observed as 450 x 450 to be rectified as 600 x 600 mm for complete removal of water heater.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response #1: The 3 first in place (mockup) pods were produced following your instruction received via letter ref: xxx dated 04 August xxxx (appendix 2) and the RCP drawings included therein. Accordingly, M/s xxx (Contractor Name) have constructed the pods with 450 x 450 mm access panels wherever indicated on these drawings.

We have noted your comment #1 and M/s xxx (Contractor Name) drawings have been revised accordingly and this comment will be implemented in all future pods to be delivered.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) is however unable to modify these access panels sizes on the mockup pods already delivered to site since the ceiling is entirely produced in factory with structural steel reinforcement and opening location matching the size of the access panel.

Should you insist on proceeding with these abortive works then we need clear instruction to either return these pods to factory for modification or to produce new replacement pods, M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will then provide you with associated cost of such abortive works for your approval prior to start of the works.

Comments received via email dated 16 Sep xxxx (appendix 3)

  1. General Comments:
  2. Woods Bagot concern over tile quality and deflection tolerance. Undulations along tile edges are visible, especially at corners. Feature Tile TL: 203 within master shower is most affected. – M/S XXX (CLIENT NAME) to review with tile supplier and advice.  Confirm if the tolerances are within standard range.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: Tiles are a free issue material and M/s xxx (Contractor Name) has no control of their quality. However, M/s xxx (Contractor Name) have also concerns over the quality of tiles which is raised in multiple quality tiles reports. Despite knowing that the tiles received are within the international standards, yet the differences from tiles to another will still create undulations that no amount of workmanship can overcome.

  • Tile grouting color inconsistency in several locations – M/S XXX (CLIENT NAME) to confirm if due to batching, curing time or repair work.  Grout to be rectified in mock up.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: the inconsistency of the tiles grout color which was observed was a result of last-minute grout rectification following the request to deliver the mockup pods on urgent basis. Some of the grout had not yet fully dried. However, during mass production, such matter will be controlled. Our team will touch up the first in place pods on site to ensure they are satisfactory.

  • TL-202 (Floor and Walls) color to be adjusted as previously commented to remove yellow tint. OK to retain current tiles in mock-up pods.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: Tiles are free issue material and M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will install the tiles as received unless any major defect is observed. Should you wish us not to use certain tiles, you are requested to inspect your tiles prior to delivery and provide your instruction on which ones to use and which ones not to.

  • Tile joints slightly misaligned in several locations – workmanship issues.  To be rectified in mock up.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: The tiles joints misalignment is due to the irregular sizes of the tiles. During the production of the first in place mockup pods, the quantity of tiles received from the Contractor was just sufficient to tile the mockup pods and there was no buffer in the quantities to allow for any segregation in our factory and ensure better result. This is not a workmanship issue.

  • Tile print pattern variants to be re-distributed to avoid any matching tiles being adjacent.  This applies to both tiles (standard and feature). To be rectified in mock up.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response:  During the production of the first in place mockup pods, the quantity of tiles received from the Contractor was just sufficient to tile the mockup pods and there was no buffer in the quantities to allow for any segregation. The first priority was to control the undulations to the best of our abilities and the tiles’ location was decided on that basis. It is not possible to the change the tiling of pods already completed and delivered to site. This comment will be taken into consideration during mass production.

  • Tile insert missing from shower drains, as commented previously. To be rectified in mockup.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: The comment is noted, and it will be rectified.

  • Tiling at door top corners to be further reviewed in all cases. Unipod to trial fixing tiles around door on-site to avoid additional joint / cut pieces. Not required for Maids. To be rectified in mock up.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: Noted and it will be rectified.

  • Towel rails missing from vanity counters.  To be installed in mock up.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: Towel rail is a free issue material that was not delivered to us by the Contractor at the time of mockup production. Once it’s delivered, it can be installed on site by M/s xxx (Contractor Name). However, if this item delivery will be delayed for the mass production, M/s xxx (Contractor Name) cannot install it on site for the balance pods and it shall be installed by M/S XXX (CLIENT NAME).

  • Approved lights to be installed for final review.  M/S XXX (CLIENT NAME) to update.  Why is this still delayed.  The lighting has to be approved for the full apartment mock up, not just pods.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: This comment isn’t addressed to M/s xxx (Contractor Name). Lights are a free Issue material and as per the latest confirmation from the Main Contractor on 19 Sep xxxx (appendix 4), it will not be delivered on time. M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will complete the wiring and provide a small 3mm hole at the center point of the light for the Main Contractor to install the light later on at site as agreed during the meeting held on 19 Sep xxxx (appendix 5, point 16).

  1. Spotlights appear too recessed. Light to be closer to ceiling level to allow greater light distribution

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: This comment is not addressed to M/s xxx (Contractor Name). Lights are a free Issue material and as per the latest confirmation from the Main Contractor on 19 Sep xxxx (appendix 4), it will not be delivered on time. M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will complete the wiring and provide a small 3mm hole at the center point of the light for the Main Contractor to install the light later on at site as agreed during the meeting held on 19 Sep xxxx (appendix 5, point 16).

  1. Terminate ceiling shadow detail 25mm either side of shower screen channels.  To be tested in mockup prior to completing on all.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response:  During the meeting held on 19 Sep xxxx (appendix 5, point 6), the Consultant requested  M/S XXX (CLIENT NAME) to test adding 25mm of gypsum board on both sides of the shadow gap at the shower glass ceiling interface in the mockup pods. The consultant will then confirm if we shall apply this new detail to all the pods during mass production. Accordingly M/s xxx (Contractor Name) request to have the final confirmation prior to starting the mass production otherwise abortive works on pods both in production and delivered to rectify the ceiling will be subject to additional time & cost implications.

  1. M/S XXX (CLIENT NAME) to submit sample approval for ceiling extract – current sample not accepted

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response:  The comment above is not related to M/s xxx (Contractor Name), the ceiling extract is supplied by the Contractor. M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will install this free issue materials as received and any rejection or abortive works resulting from using a free issue material not accepted by the Engineer or client will be the full responsibility of M/S XXX (CLIENT NAME).

  1. Door stoppers to be installed for review

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: Door stoppers are not under the scope of M/s xxx (Contractor Name).

  1. Shower threshold edge should be 6mm radius as per IFC – appears less in mockup

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: the comment is noted and will be applied during mass production. However, it cannot be changed in the mockup.

  1. Shower handle – internal finger pull groove to face downwards.  To be rectified in mock up.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: Noted and it will be rectified. However, we would like to raise our concern on the status of delivery of shower handles as we have received a confirmation from the supplier m/s Sanipex that the material is not expected to arrive before March xxxx. Therefore we urge you to either select another, locally available, model or the installation of this model will have to be done on site by M/S XXX (CLIENT NAME).

  1. Move shower soap dish in Master and Regular bathrooms closer to screen to avoid clash with hand-shower hose. Otherwise mirror the hand shower and diverter to opposite side of soap dish. Note diverter switch should be pulled forward & down to activate. To be rectified in mock up.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: During the meeting held on 19 Sep xxxx (appendix 5, point 8),  the consultant has instructed M/s xxx (Contractor Name) to keep all the shower area soap dishes locations as shown on the drawings and ignore the drawing comments instructing otherwise. In addition, the shower hose must always be on the opposite side of the soap dish. The same is followed in the mockup and will be followed during mass production.

  1. Shower floors to be water tested for adequate fall.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: This test is already performed factory. If you wish to do it again on site, it will be under the scope of M/S XXX (CLIENT NAME).

  1. Silicon at vanity and cistern tops to be checked for better grouting match.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: The consultant confirmed during the meeting held on 19 Sep xxxx (appendix 5, point 9) that the silicone colour matches the grout line and to ignore the comment saying otherwise.

  1. Master Bathroom Pod:
  2. Mirror backlight directly visible from shower. Alternative detail or fixing depth required to conceal fixture. Diffuser included with specification, final sample to be reviewed.  To be tested in mock up prior to completing on all.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: The mirror is a free issue material. M/S XXX (CLIENT NAME) can test the consultant requirement in the mockup and order and supply the mirrors accordingly. M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will install the free issue materials as received and any rejection or abortive works resulting from using a free issue material not accepted by the Engineer or client will be the full responsibility of M/S XXX (CLIENT NAME).

  • Move toilet paper holder away from WC, so outer edge aligns with end of cistern enclosure.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response:  M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will install the materials as per the final approved pod drawings.

  • Vanity top inner basin pencil round edges too large and should match outer vanity edge radius.  To be rectified in mockup. 

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response:  The comment is noted. It cannot be replaced in the mockup but will be considered during mass production.

  1. Regular Bathroom Pod:
  2. Move toilet paper holder away from WC, so outer edge aligns with end of cistern enclosure

 M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response:  M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will install the materials as per the final approved pod drawings.

  1. Maid Bathroom Pod:
  2. Single spotlight does not seem adequate. Final light to be installed to check and confirm.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response:  M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will install the materials as per the final approved pod drawings.

Lights are a free Issue material and as per the latest confirmation from the Main Contractor on 19 Sep xxxx (appendix 4), it will not be delivered on time. M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will complete the wiring and provide a small 3mm hole at the center point of the light for the Main Contractor to install the light later on at site as agreed during the meeting held on 19 Sep xxxx (appendix 5, point 16).

  • Move toilet paper holder closer to WC. Currently too close to shower.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response:  M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will install the materials as per the final approved pod drawings.

As a conclusion, and as per the agreed discussion during the meeting held on 19 Sep xxxx (appendix 5, point 18, M/s xxx (Contractor Name) clarified that for the first in place (mockup) pods, only the following comments will be attended.

  • Tile grouting touch-ups.
  • Adding a tile insert to the linear drain.
  • Replacing the two tiles above the door corners.
  • Installing the towel rails on the vanity once received.
  • Rotating the internal finger pull groove of the shower handle downside.

This is for record, information and necessary action.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC                                                                      


project Manager

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