Tile Quality Issues

Tile Quality Issues

Our Ref:  xxx

Date: xxx

To                           : xxx Contracting LLC

                                  P.O. Box xxx

  Dubai, U. A. E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx

Project                 : xxx at Jumeirah First, Dubai

Subject                 : Tile Quality Issues

Dear Mr. Neel,

Please be informed that we received the Tiles from the Nominated supplier (Home Items) to complete the mock up pods and found out some quality issues which is very important to highlight. This poor quality of the tiles will have some impact on the tiling in the pods which cannot be avoided. So please pass this information to the client and consultant about the same to manage their expectations during the pods inspections.

The consultant/ Client/ End User may feel an undulant surface in the tiling particularly on the floor which may also have tenancy to have some water ponding.

Below is the response we received from the Home Items for your information.

“The variation of the straightness of sides is +/- 0.5 % which is compliant under the standards EN14411 (ISO 13006) Appendices H group Bib”.

(Contractor Name) will always try to do our best on the workmanship but cannot take the responsibility of the tiles quality. However we will have a clear review during the mock up pods to understand the depth of impact because of these tiles.

This is for your information and record.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Projects Manager

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