Our Ref: xxx
Date: xxx
To : xxx Middle East,
P.O.Box xxx,
Dubai – UAE.
Attention : Mr. xxx
: Project Manager
Project : xxx Towers Project, Dubai
Subject: Vanity Color and Finish
Dear Mr. Loh,
As you know, we had a visit yesterday from xxx Group Mr. xxx and xx along with their respective teams.
The visit agenda was to inspect pods before shipping them to site.
- The visitors were surprised to see that we are installing vanity cabinets inside the pods as the vanity color and finish, according to them, is not yet selected and approved.
- Their statement was very surprising to us, as we are manufacturing and painting cabinets in full force based on your instruction to proceed as per the sample submitted on 23rd November 2019.
- We are very confused about what finish and what color is required now for the vanity.
- We have requested, months’ ago, a sample for the required finish we can match. This can help resolve the issue of selection, and speed up the process.
- We still believe that this is the fastest and easiest way to close this matter. Just give us a sample we can match.
In conclusion, Xxxx requires an official and clear instruction, how to proceed from this point onwards.
Yours faithfully,
On behalf of xxx LLC
Project Manager