Proper Protection of finished items/ works/ products

Proper Protection of finished items/ works/ products

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Mideast

                                   Oman Branch

Attention          :           Mr. xxx Sing

Project             :           xxx Building, Oman

Subject :     Proper Protection of finished items/ works/ products.

Dear Mr. Prince,

We are writing to you with regards to your letter Ref.No. xxx dated 22 June xxx which is again received via Email on 19 August xxx and we would like to clarify the following:

First we note that this letter is not addressed specifically to Xxx but as a general correspondence to all the Nominated Subcontractors but still we would like to confirm that all our pods are protected with temporary doors that are properly locked.

The keys of the locks were handed over to SPOS since April xxx and none of our team remained available on site as our installation was completed.

Therefore, it is the sole responsibility of the SPOS who has custody of the pods keys, to monitor their subcontractors/workers who work inside and/or around the pods and to check and record any damages that occur due to others works.

Furthermore, we must remind you that Xxx do not have any representative on site since April 2021 and unless we are notified for the damages that occur to the pods by SPOS, we won’t be able to take any action against it.

Accordingly we urge you to take all the necessary precautions and advise your subcontractors to take extreme care while working inside or surrounding the pods and to let us know immediately about any damage.  We again remind you that any damage which occurs on site is the responsibility of SPOS, and should you require any assistance from Xxx to rectify such damage if it occurs, this will be subject to cost and time implication that will be advised accordingly.

This is for your information and record.


On behalf of Xxx LLC


Project Manager

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