

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Mideast

                                   Oman Branch

Attention          :           Mr. xxx Sing

Project             :           xxx Building, Oman

Subject                 : Expenses

Dear Mr. Prince,

We are writing you concerning the expenses that will occur due to our team member joining your company to manage the pods installation at site.

Please be informed that his current monthly expenses including his food allowance are amounting to AED xxx only. In addition to that, we request you to provide him with the accommodation and transportation.

We kindly request you to pay that amount directly to him on a monthly basis and the same to be then deducted from our payments under installation expenses.

You are kindly requested to provide us with the cost of accommodation, transportation, visa, and insurance so we can have clarity and agreement to the overall amount that will be deducted from our payments in order to avoid any ambiguity in the future.

Kindly revert back to us with the details required and confirmation at the earliest.


On behalf of Xxx LLC


Project Manager

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