Resignation notice

April 23, XXX To, HR Department xxx LLC. Dear XXX, I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as Planning Engineer at xxx LLC. My last day of employment will be May 22, XXX. I have cherished my time at xxx LLC and appreciate the opportunities for both professional and personal growth that I […]

Re – Internal Program for POD Works

Our Ref: xxx01 April xxx To: xxx Contracting Co. LLCP. O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E. Attention: Mr. xxx – Project DirectorProject: xxxSubject: Re – Internal Program for POD Works Dear Sir,We acknowledge the receipt of your letter ref: xxx dated 20 March xxx and your revised internal program for POD works dated 18 March xxx and we would like to […]


1    Table of Contents 2 What Are Provisional Sums? 2   3   A Judicial View!   2   4   “Defined or Undefined?”, That is ‘The’ Question!   3   5   Pricing  of Provisional Sums   4   6   How Do The Differing  Principal Standard Forms  Deal With This Issue?   9   7   Detail Them […]

Tendering process explanation in details

Tendering is the process by which a company or organization invites bids for a project or contract, typically through a public or private request for proposal (RFP) process. The process involves the release of a detailed project description and specification, which is then sent to a pre-qualified list of contractors or suppliers who are invited to submit a bid. The […]