Biography of Scientist Alexander Graham Bell.

Alexander Graham Bell (March 3, 1847 – August 2, 1922) was a Scottish-born inventor, scientist, teacher of the deaf, and innovator known for inventing the telephone. Here is a detailed biography of Alexander Graham Bell: Early Life and Education (1847–1867): Move to Canada (1870): Invention of the Telephone (1874–1876): Continued Innovations and Inventions (1877–1890): Family Life (1877–1922): Later Years and […]

Biography of Scientist Emil Adolf Behring.

Emil von Behring (Emil Adolf Behring) (March 15, 1854 – March 31, 1917) was a German physiologist who became one of the founders of immunology. He was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1901 for his pioneering work on serum therapy, particularly in developing a vaccine against diphtheria. Here is a detailed biography of Emil von […]

Biography of Scientist Henri Becquerel.

Henri Becquerel (born Antoine Henri Becquerel; December 15, 1852 – August 25, 1908) was a French physicist best known for his discovery of radioactivity. Here is a detailed biography of Henri Becquerel: Early Life and Education (1852–1875): Early Scientific Career (1875–1895): Discovery of Radioactivity (1896): Recognition and Further Research (1896–1908): Death and Legacy (1908): Henri Becquerel’s accidental discovery of radioactivity […]

Biography of Scientist Arnold Orville Beckman.

Arnold Orville Beckman (April 10, 1900 – May 18, 2004) was an American chemist, inventor, and philanthropist. He is best known for his contributions to the development of scientific instruments and his entrepreneurial success in founding Beckman Instruments, a leading manufacturer of analytical instruments. Here is a detailed biography of Arnold O. Beckman: Early Life and Education (1900–1926): Academic Career […]

Biography of Scientist George Beadle.

George Wells Beadle (October 22, 1903 – June 9, 1989) was an American geneticist who, along with Edward Tatum, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1958 for their discovery of the one-gene-one-enzyme hypothesis. Here is a detailed biography of George Beadle: Early Life and Education (1903–1926): Doctoral Research and Early Career (1927–1935): Genetic Research at Stanford (1935–1946): […]