xxx Club Delivery of Cabinets as per Program

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx International Contracting LLC                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai, U.A.E.             Tel: xxx             Fax: xxx Attention          :           Mr. xxx Email               :           xxx Project             :           xxx Polo Club Subject            :           xxx Club Delivery of Cabinets as per Program Dear Mr. xxx, Referring […]

Reduction in Scope of Works/ Work Done by xxx

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx International Contracting LLC                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai, U.A.E.             Tel: xxx             Fax: xxx Attention          :           Mr. xxx Email               :           xxx Project             :           xxx Polo Club Subject            :           Reduction in Scope of Works/ Work Done by xxx Dear Mr. xxx, […]

DLP works- Residence 7

Date: xxx To, M/s. xxx xxx Project Dubai, UAE Attention: Mr. xxx, Project Director Subject                 : DLP works- Residence 7, apartment 202, xxx Island Dear Mr. xxx, Further to your Email (Appendix 1) dated 16‐08‐xxx, Unipods team has visited the site today to investigate the source of leakage. Our team didn’t have access to the apartment, but based on the […]

Final As Built Drawings – Hard & Soft Copy Submission

Date: xxx To, M/s. xxx xxx Project Dubai, UAE Attention: Mr. xxx, Project Director Subject                 : Final As Built Drawings – Hard & Soft Copy Submission Dear Mr. Amr Fayek, This is to confirm that you (xxx) have received the approved As Built Drawings submission (3 sets Hard Copy & 3 set soft copy) as requested. Please sign and stamp […]

Approved Operation & Maintenance Manual – Hard & Soft Copy Submission

Date: xxx To, M/s. xxx xxx Project Dubai, UAE Attention: Mr. xxx, Project Director Subject                 : Approved Operation & Maintenance Manual – Hard & Soft Copy Submission Dear Mr. xxx, This is to confirm that you (xxx) have received the operation & maintenance Manual (3 set Hard Copy & 3 set soft copy) as requested. Please sign and stamp as an […]

Overdue Payment

Date: xxx To, M/s. xxx xxx Project Dubai, UAE Attention: Mr. xxx, Project Director Subject                 : Overdue Payment Dear Mr. xxx, We regret to inform you that up to date, we still have AED xxx long pending overdue.  This is overdue since over one year now and we believe xxx has been patient enough.  However, this matter cannot drag any […]

Material Rusting Inside the Pods Supplied by xxx

Date: xxx To, M/s. xxx xxx Project Dubai, UAE Attention: Mr. xxx, Project Director Subject            :           Material Rusting Inside the Pods Supplied by xxx.  Dear Mr. xxx, Referring to the trailing emails and site observation forwarded to you regarding the poor quality of the materials supplied in this project we still haven’t received a report on the cause of […]

Employers Representatives Instruction SI No.33 – Master Bedroom Accessories Cupboard

Date: xxx To, M/s. xxx xxx Project Dubai, UAE Attention: Mr. xxx, Project Director Subject            :           Employers Representatives Instruction SI No.33 – Master Bedroom Accessories Cupboard                      Dear Mr.  xxx, Thank you for your message reference no xxx We look forward to receive it at the earliest.   Yours faithfully, On behalf of xxx LLC xxx Projects Manager

RE: Damaged Drainage Provisions to PODs

Date: xxx To, M/s. xxx xxx Project Dubai, UAE Attention: Mr. xxx, Project Director Subject            :   Reply to Aconex Letter Ref. xx-Notice of   Delay – Damaged Drainage Provisions to PODs at Site Dear Mr. xxx, We refer to your letter Ref Letter xxx received today. As you will notice from the below reply there is no delay at all from […]