Response to Delay in Delivery of PODs

Our Ref: xxx Date: To xxx Contracting LLC P. O. Box xxx Dubai, U.A.E. Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager Project                 : xxx Phase 2 Subject                 : Response to Delay in Delivery of PODs Dear Sir, We refer to our letter dated 20 Aug xxx ref. xxx which remained unanswered. Instead of reverting to our offer to finalize and […]

Response to Delay in Delivery of PODs

Our Ref: xxx Date: To xxx Contracting LLC P. O. Box xxx Dubai, U.A.E. Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager Project                 : xxx Phase 2 Subject                 : Response to Delay in Delivery of PODs References         :  (a) BGC letter ref: xxx dated 17 Aug xxxx                                 (b) M/s xxx (Contractor Name) letter ref: xxx dated 6 Aug xxxx                                 […]